TF-ATMON - Toolchain for Atmospheric measurement by drones
Public part of the TF-ATMON tool product. In case you need more details, please contact ThunderFly s.r.o. with a request. Generic information you could find in the TF-ATMON fact sheet
See the following video for a demonstration flight of a particulate matter sensor mounted on TF-G2 autogyro and looking for smoke atmospheric pollution source.
Vendor information
ThunderFly TF-ATMON is commercially available as a service from ThunderFly s.r.o., write an email to to request more details.
TF-ATMON compatible devices
The following table summarises existing (in production) sensor devices. Other sensors are under testing.
Device identification | Data type | Description |
TFPM01 and TFPM02 | 1 | Particulate matter sensors |
TFHT01 | 2 | Humidity and temperature sensors |
THUNDERMILL01 | 3 | Electric field sensors |
AIRDOS03 (“UAVDOS”) | 4 | Semiconductor-based ionising radiation spectrometers designed for drones |
TFCO201 | 5 | Opto-aucoustic CO2 concentration sensor |
Additional sensors could be connected by using the TFUNIPAYLOAD01 hardware, which slightly increases the weight, but does not require to development PX4/Ardupilot-specific sensor driver.